Our Vision: We are "A People Set Free to Serve Fully"

Our Mission: Bethel CRC exists to encourage people to take their next steps into maturity and service in Christ,

with the help of the Holy Spirit, and for the glory of God the Father. 



  • God-Centered Worship: We seek to honor God with Spirit-filled, heartfelt worship. "Ascribe to the LORD the glory due His name; worship the LORD in the splendor of His holiness." (Psalm 29:2) More than something we do on Sunday mornings we endeavor to thank and praise God for His saving grace each day of our lives.
  • Loving Service: We serve God by serving our neighbors and the world. Christ came "...not to be served, but to serve" (Matt. 20:28).  We seek to imitate His example as we explore new ways to help others in His name.
  • Spirit Empowered Ministry: All believers are blessed by the Holy Spirit with spiritual abilities and gifts (1 Peter 4:10). God calls us to use these gifts for the common good, making visible His invisible work of grace in our lives.
  • Transforming Community: When God saves us,  He makes us living members of the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:13).  We seek to grow in faith, hope, and love as we gather with other believers to study to Word of God, to pray, and to encourage one another.
  • Hospitable Outreach: We want to share with others the blessing of knowing and following Jesus.  "The love of Christ compels us" (2 Corinthians 5:14) to reach out to others with a welcoming lifestyle that reflects our Savior's mission " seek and save the lost." (Luke 19:10)
  • Total Discipleship: Our only comfort in life and in death comes from belonging to Jesus Christ completely--in body and soul (Romans 14:8). Therefore we seek to follow Christ at every stage and in every dimension of our lives.



Our Statement Of Faith

We are part of a denomination known as the Christian Reformed Church in North America. Each of these words tells something about who we are:


We call ourselves Christian because we are followers of Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus was the Son of God, that he is the center of human history, and that he should be the center of our own lives.


We are called Reformed because we are part of a church that emerged from the Protestant Reformation in sixteenth-century Europe.


We are a Church because we believe that God has called us together to be a people who worship and glorify Him in all that we do.


North America tells you where we are located but also tells you that we are connected to other Reformed denominations around the world.

We believe in the five great truths of the Reformation:

Scripture Alone - We believe that the Bible is the ultimate authority for faith and life, and is the inspired and infallible Word of God.


Christ Alone - We believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to God. Jesus fully paid the penalty for our sins with his perfect life and his death on the cross, and nothing we can do can add to the work of Christ for us.


Grace Alone - We believe that we can do nothing to make ourselves right with God. Only God deserves credit for our salvation. Through his mercy and grace alone we are made right with God and restored to fellowship with him and with each other.


Faith Alone - We believe that by faith alone we receive the benefits and blessings of Christ's death. We must receive in trust all that he has accomplished for our salvation. Our good works do not earn us salvation; rather they are a grateful response to our salvation.


Glory to God Alone - We believe that we now live to bring glory to God. Both as individuals and as a church, we seek in all that we do to bring honor to the God who made us, redeemed us, and loves us with an everlasting love.

In addition to these five basic truths, our perspective is shaped by three confessions that find their roots in the Reformation.

They are:


1. The Heidelberg Catechism. This document explains and discusses the Apostle's Creed, the sacraments,

the Ten Commandments and the Lord's Prayer


2. The Canons of Dort. This is a defense of what is sometimes known as the "Five Points of Calvinism".


3. The Belgic Confession. This is a defense and explanation of the Reformed understanding of salvation.





Pastor Kurt graduated from Calvin Theological Seminary in 2023 after working for 22 years as a Youth Pastor in Pella, Iowa and Holland, Michigan (where he is originally from). He was ordained and installed at Bethel CRC in October 2023. He has four children (three of whom serve in the US military and one who is early elementary). He and his wife, Jenna, enjoy walks, sunsets, and going for drives around Wisconsin to discover new places. He has a passion for communicating the truths found in Scripture, connecting with people over a meal or coffee, and building the church community. 



Jenna started working in the church office in 2024. Jenna enjoys working behind the scenes at church, and keeping members connected and informed of everything that is happening at church. Jenna is married to Pastor Kurt. She enjoys being a mom, getting involved in church Bible studies, reading, and checking out new parts of Wisconsin. 




Becky has been working with the kids of Bethel since 2012 and has enjoyed watching each of the kids grow in Christ. Becky enjoys following her kids and husband to various sporting activities throughout the year.



Jayne lives in Waupun, only about a block from church. She has three grown children.  In addition to cleaning at Bethel she also cleans several homes and some businesses in the Waupun area.



Jen and her husband, Curt, and family moved to Waupun in 2017 from Minnesota. She's been serving in the role of Youth Ministry Director since 2022.  She enjoys helping and encouraging students and others to grow in the grace & knowledge of their Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. In her spare time Jen loves going out for a bite to eat with family or friends, listening to music, relaxing at home, or exploring God's creation. 


BOOKKEEPER - We are hiring!



Founded upon the Scriptures.


Showing love to neighbors nearby and far away.


With programs for people of all ages.


We have many community outreach programs. Take a look below and see what your best fit would be.

  • Waupun Food pantry
  • REACH Waupun
  • Community Table
  • Meals on Wheels


"Not being from the area and not having any family nearby is very challenging.  Bethel has made us feel very welcome, we really enjoy Pastor Jeff's sermons. It was such an easy transition at a time when our children were young and we really needed the nursery and Children's Walk-Out Worship.  Our children continue to enjoy Sunday School and now Cadets as well.  Our entire family, enjoys fellowship, has developed relatioships and we are truly enjoying Bethel."

Cory Moreau